Questions and Answers

Construction Director of ESTA Holding Sergey Danilyuk answers the question of ABCnews Information Analysis Portal


— Does a city need modern architecture facilities in the historic centre?

— A city is a living organism that needs continuous evolvement and improvement backed by the development of new technologies and styles in architecture. At the same time, historical and architectural monuments of a city should be always taken care of in order to preserve their original appearance.

In my opinion, it is necessary to follow the principles of “Venice Charter” stating that “restoration ends where hypothesis begins”. In other words, one cannot simply create vintage fakes, it is necessary to find new modern styles and methods of construction in historic areas of a city. It is no good to imitate the old masters of architecture, it is necessary to supplement and improve the environment with modern styles, but with all the historical factors prevailing in historic areas of the city taken into account.

The answer is simple: the need for modern architecture facilities in the historic centre is crucial for a city to develop and improve, but the methods and approaches to the creation of such facilities should be regulated and continuously monitored by the professional architectural community of a city!